Hardware Header

Mendham Plywood & Building Products stocks hardware! You'll find everything from nuts and bolts, screws and sandpaper to specialty hardware.

Hardware is a part of everyday life. And a great hardware store is a good thing to have. And better yet is to have a real hardware person! We have grown our inventory selection over time based on what people need every day. Bolts, screws, tubing, light bulbs, anchors, brushes, clips, paints, glass, power tools, plumbing fittings, hand tools…the list seems endless! Whatever it is you need, we probably have it here. For things less common, our supplier’s warehouse inventory is huge and delivery is quick!

TREX Transcend >

Transcend decking’s wood-grain pattern and luxury colors create a premium, ageless look. No sanding. No staining. No kidding.  It maintains its vibrant color and finish thanks to their 25-Year Limited Residential Fade & Stain Warranty. For more information visit the Trex website. 

TREX Enhance >

Trex Enhance is low-maintenance and high-performance composite that offers all the charm of real wood. With its high-definition grain pattern and classic color options, Enhance features a rich, sophisticated finish at a great value For more information visit the Trex website. 

TREX Select >

Trex Select decking and railing adds luxury to your home more affordably than ever. Select features high-performance shell technology and nature-inspired colors, the complementary white railing is a simple solution for a clean finish. For more information visit the Trex website. 

TREX Hidden Fasteners >

All Trex® decking lines come with a hidden installation option. A hidden deck fastening system installs between the deck boards, creating a flawless look. For more information visit the Trex website. 

Trex Color Selector >

Which color is the perfect fit for your Trex deck? Trex decking is available in a wide range of luxurious colors to complement any style home or commercial installation.
For more information visit the Trex website. 

TREX Cost Calculator >

Just how much does a composite deck cost? It’s easy to estimate the materials alone.  Crunch the numbers and in just a few clicks and you have your answer.. For more information visit the Trex website.